نوشته شده توسط : fawatectu

"It is surprising that in the recent past we have seen a rise in the demand of Indian masters.19 crore at the recently concluded Saffronart’s Evening Sale making it a world auction record for the artist. In the auction scene, modern artists have always been the first preference. Thus leading to a downfall. The artwork, which was estimated to sell between Rs 7-9 crore, surpassed its bidding expectation, sparking new interest in the Indian art market. It is one of the great masterpieces produced by the artist and I would like people to see his work and not for the money it has been sold for. It’s unfortunate how everyone is talking about the price..”

‘I was intrigued by the way he could move the brush freely’Artist Krishen Khanna bought the ‘Greek Landscape’, part of Padamsee’s grey series, from Bal Chhabda over a phone conversation in 1960. He used to buy the paint in large tins — black and white — as the paint he wanted was not available in India. But with recession setting in, no one wanted to take a huge risk at the Indian contemporary art, as they were priced very high at that time." Alka agrees and feels that auctions like these are not the indicator of the true art market. The forms carry an expression of ineffable sadness and there are periods when he has painted landscapes that express the grandeur of infinite time. He is also very conscious of every mark he makes in the process of creation, and his works are filled with contemplation and articulation of thoughts and ideas. Talking about the sudden shift towards Indian masters, Alka says, "With the busting of the bubble of the Indian contemporary art market, it was obvious that the market will shift towards the artist whose works are more complete (in terms of the world viewing and past history).H.. Having said that, we are also seeing that the collectors are breaking free of the stereotype 'big name' and looking into art more seriously.”Hugo Weihe, auctioneer and CEO of Saffronart, adds, “There is a huge demand for unseen works of modern artists as compared to Indian contemporary artists. So, the work has an added provenance, making it even more interesting. The particular work ‘Greek Landscape’ is one of the masterpieces by the veteran artist and has a unique value because it is coming out of the art collection of fellow Progressive Artist Krishen Khanna. One must also understand that the contemporary art world was booming at a time when the international market was turning towards India after China and checking all avenues, and were ready to invest on young artists.

He adds, "The workings of auction houses are way different from the actual market. Raza, Tyeb Mehta and Vasudeo S. Talking about what caught his attention, Krishen says, “I always had an eye for good art and this was an interesting piece.19 crore. Talking about the sudden interest in Padamsee’s work, Krishen says, “We come from an era where good works inspired us, not the price. So I bought those from him too. It was produced during a time when artists used to buy works of their peers. In an interview with Meera Godbole-Krishnamurthy, editor-in-chief, Saffronart, Akbar said, “The paint one got was often glossy, but I was lucky to find a man who sold the non-glossy matte, plastic emulsion. He is an artist whose work ranges from the figure to the non-figurative. What would be more interesting to know from this particular auction would be the name of the buyer to understand what intrigued him. Husain, S. He says, “Anybody who is talking about the auction and the price point must understand that it not something unusual or new. I was intrigued by the way my friend could move the brush freely from figure to ground in grey or sepia hues” Khanna is known to have written a letter to Padamsee stating that he was terribly envious that he had painted such a magnificent painting. It is a sad state that the numbers have ignited the sudden interest in a legendary artist like Padamsee, expresses Ranjit Hoskote, cultural theorist and independent curator. It does not affect the real market in any way.

I feel that the contemporary art market is affected because galleries are handling these artists and nurturing their careers. Gaitonde fetching the market's interest but it is very intriguing that a living master like Padamsee is getting the limelight all of a sudden. There is a certain style of working of an auction house and the collector."However, this auction result might not reflect on all of Padamsee's works and mean that they will fetch a similar kind of price or that this has opened up new market avenue, states Ranjit. In the recent past, we have seen certain works of M. She shares, “His portraiture works have a lot of soul; his human faces tend to capture the gamut of human suffering and exaltation.F. He wrote, “I remarked to Renu (Khanna’s wife) at that stage that there was a terrific painter somewhere of whose existence we had not known about ”Krishen had loaned the painting for several exhibitions in the past but this is the first time he put it (for sale) in the market.”Talking about what makes Padamsee a great artist, curator Alka Pande says that his pioneering spirit has allowed him to experiment with a wide range of media. Having said that, not all works of a master artist gets such high bidders, as they are not masterpieces or hold perfect aesthetic values," she points out. When I told him I was using it for a painting, he said I would need brushes and brought out the painters’ brushes he had — broad ones with thick bristles." An experiment with plastic emulsionThe ‘Greek Landscape’ (above) weft accumulator was an experimental painting created by Akbar Padamsee (left) using plastic emulsion and home painter’s brush. He continues, “There are intelligent buyers, and the growth of Indian art market has been faster than the rate at which the Chinese contemporary art market has evolved. And Krishen is known for having a unique eye for great work and has an amazing collection of art.The hammer goes down at Rs 19. an artist difficult to bracket.”. A painting of modern master Akbar Padamsee titled ‘Greek Landscape’ (1959), which was bought for Rs 1,000 in 1960 by fellow artist Krishen Khanna, fetched a whopping price of Rs 19

:: بازدید از این مطلب : 150
امتیاز مطلب : 25
تعداد امتیازدهندگان : 5
مجموع امتیاز : 5
تاریخ انتشار : دو شنبه 20 مرداد 1399 | نظرات ()
نوشته شده توسط : fawatectu

Thus, it ends up making decisions that may not be emotionally appealing, but are perfectly logical at that point in time. Furthermore, it is extremely easy to operate a large organization through AI and bots as they can easily be centrally implemented.It is 1955, and in the corridors of RAND (Research and Development) Corporation, America’s non-profit global policy think-tank, a printer is printing out a map using punctuation marks and symbols. (source).

Reduction in operative costs- An AI bot can perform a job relentlessly and does not require heavy machinery in order to work. It tries to make decisions based on complete logic and cognitive development skill as learned from humans.Herbert A. Simon realized a machine’s manipulative capabilities that could simulate decision making, akin to the process of human thought.Parity in evaluation- AI does not distinguish between candidates while evaluating performances on the pre-existing bias. An innocuous, regular scenario? Maybe, but it was also the moment that inspired the development of a phenomenon that is touted be the fundamental determinant of future societies - Artificial Intelligence. This holds all the more merit for business communications, which have become increasingly complex with multiple communication routes such as phone, messaging, social media, mailers etc.

Furthermore, an average user’s dislike of the IVR process that includes cumbersome digit entries and unnecessary option descriptions necessitated a need for a much-evolved mode of machine interaction.Personalization- Imagine the feeling when you receive a call which reminds you of your child’s next vaccination date in the booming baritone of Amitabh Bachchan. This leaves a positive impression on the customers while not compromising on the revenue stream of the company. In such a scenario, AI and bots present businesses with the following advantages:Convenience- Bots, with their easy adaptability and automatic updating of data, do not require periodic maintenance or overhauling of infrastructure.’Cut to 2017 and AI seems to be the only thing everyone is talking about. As the situation in RAND suggested, although the machine did print out an immaculate map with just random punctuation marks, it needed a spectacled political scientist to spot the revolutionary potential that hid within such an innocuous act. AI uses algorithms built from years of audience perception analysis and communication research, thus enriching the communication on a wide range of characteristics.

A recent research estimated that by 2035, automation in information and communication, manufacturing and financial services etc. Cutting across every industrial domain, AI and bots have established their stronghold as the technology of the future through their ability to analyze cause and effect relationships and train accordingly. may result in a 38% increase by 2035 and cause a $14 trillion increase in the gross value added to the worth of the entire industry. The most important factor for successful implementation of AI is human-AI integration, as only then can the tool be properly utilized to achieve organizational goals. This leads to a more just and fair representation of data that results in a far more accurate analysis, hence resulting in perfect business weft accumulator parts decisions. Thus began their journey to create the Logic Theorist, a program engineered to mimic the problem-solving skills of a human being which are also revered as ‘the first artificial intelligence program.

Ajay Shrivastava, Chief Technology Officer, Knowlarity Communications says that by training machines to identify what makes users/audiences/listeners react in a particular manner (trust, engage, listen, and act) and then implementing the data on specific users for optimum effect creates an intelligent machine that can transform the way we communicate. Organizations can customize the voice texture, accent, volume, stress words, language etc as per customer preferences.24x7 operations- Those businesses that have operations or customers calling from different countries need to imperatively employ an AI-powered bot in their offices today. This is because AI can receive or make calls 24x7, thus ensuring that the business does not lose a consumer while performing continuous sales or promotion activity or during inactive hours. It is mostly a software-based system that can integrate very easily into any organization’s administrative panel and through regularly developing cognitive thinking, it can identify problems and inform the owner about the same. This, and many more such innovations, become possible with AI-powered bots.Exhaustive data coverage and analysis- While it is humanly impossible for executives and management to analyze each and every call while interpreting data, leading to a skewed data set, AI evaluates each and every call or query to provide a huge canvas of information. Simon, a political scientist, Allen Newell, a researcher in computer science and cognitive psychology and Cliff Shaw, a programmer par excellence, came together after that fateful moment of observing the printer. For instance, AI also enables a business to implement Text-to-Speech conversion and Automatic Speech Recognition based on programs identifying patterns to facilitate smoother customer interaction. For that to happen, it is critical for businesses to act immediately

:: بازدید از این مطلب : 107
امتیاز مطلب : 25
تعداد امتیازدهندگان : 5
مجموع امتیاز : 5
تاریخ انتشار : سه شنبه 14 مرداد 1399 | نظرات ()